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Meet Your Producers

Celebrating Black History

In 1916, fifty years after the abolition of slavery in the United States, American historian and author Carter G. Woodson published a journal commemorating the long-overlooked achievements of Black Americans. 

Shantae Johnson, executive director at Feed’em Freedom Foundation.

Ten years later, Woodson established the week of February 7 as Negro History Week. In 1976, Texas A&M University Afro-American History professor Albery Broussard expanded that week to span the entire month of February, giving us Black History Month as we know it today. 
Black History Month celebrates Black voices, heritage, and creativity that has enriched society. It also serves as a vital reminder that systems of racism and oppression persist and must be dismantled to leave future generations a more just and equitable world. 
At New Seasons Market, we are committed to becoming better neighborhood allies and stewards. This includes listening to Black voices, educating our staff, supporting Black-owned businesses, and partnering with impactful nonprofits. 
One such partner is Feed’em Freedom Foundation (FFF), an organization dedicated to creating educational pathways to agriculture for Black and BIPOC youth, advancing land stewardship, regional food security, and economic prosperity to achieve sovereignty for Black Oregonians. 
We recently met up with Shantae Johnson, executive director at Feed’em Freedom Foundation, to learn more about their organization and community impact.

Feed ‘em Freedom Foundation farm stand/booth.

Feed’em Freedom Foundation

NSM: Does your organization use specific terms or language to refer to the communities you work with? 

FFF: We use Black folks or Black. 

NSM: How does heritage influence your organization’s approach to what you do? 

FFF: Feed’em Freedom Foundation was created by and for Black Oregonians, with a mission to serve Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC). Approximately 90 - 100% of our work directly benefits Black as well as BIPOC community members, while our apprenticeship and workforce development programs are exclusively for BIPOC participants. 
NSM: How does food access or conversations around food shape the work your organization does? 

FFF: We recognize that while Oregon’s food system is celebrated national leader in organic and local food production, it is built upon stolen land and a legacy of exploitation of Black and Brown labor. Regenerative agriculture, a core aspect of our work, draws from Indigenous agrarian practices and global technologies, especially those rooted in African agricultural knowledge. With climate change concerns linked to industrial agriculture's extensive emissions and water use, FFF advocates for a global return to regenerative practices, led by communities who have stewarded these sustainable practices for generations. 
NSM: What are some concerns about food quality or access to food that your organization works to address? 

FFF: Our programs build economic strength by directly connecting community food producers with families most in need, creating a resilient food system that addresses both immediate nutritional needs and long-term economic stability.  
NSM: Why do you think the federal acknowledgment and celebration of Black History Month is important? 

FFF: Despite the systemic oppression, Black Americans have contributed immeasurably to the cultural, economic, and social fabric of the country. Our resilience, creativity, and labor have been central to the nation's development and prosperity. 
NSM: How can the community best support or get involved with Feed’em Freedom Foundation? 

FFF: By getting involved through volunteering, spreading awareness, and supporting financially, the community can play a crucial role in sustaining and growing FFF’s mission to serve families and promote food justice. Every effort, big or small, contributes to creating a stronger, more resilient community.

To find out more about this incredible local organization and ways you can support their important work, visit them at Feed'em Freedom Foundation.
