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landscape of a farm with livestock and a fence in the foreground and a mountain range in the background



Soil health is integral to the quality of our food, the viability of our regional food economy and the ongoing health of our planet.

Soil Is Everything

The health of our communities, our planet and our bodies depend upon how we treat our land. Industrial agriculture comes with consequences. It produces greenhouse gas emissions and causes environmental degradation that harms our ever-warming planet. More than ever, we need to work our land in ways that supports and builds healthy communities.  

The answer? Regenerative agriculture. This powerful mode of agriculture uses practices to maximize the health of our soil, water and ecosystems. By managing farm and ranch land in ways that nourish rather than deplete, we rebuild our soil, capture carbon, retain water and even bolster biodiversity.  

Put simply, regenerative agriculture is a way of farming and ranching that rebuilds soil health, increases carbon capture, improves water efficiency and promotes biodiversity.

Hands Digging in dirt

What Is Regenerative Agriculture & How Does It Work?

  • shovel digging in to dirt representing minimizing soil disturbance

    Minimizes Soil Disturbance 

    Through no- and low-till practices, root systems are protected, water retention improves, and soil more easily captures carbon.
  • cover crop icon showing a small plant with roots in soil

    Incorporates Cover Crops

    The use of cover crops boosts water retention and soil fertility, and protects crops from pests.
  • icon showing a pesticide can crossed out

    Lessens the Use of Pesticides, Herbicides and Chemical Fertilizers

    By steering clear of harmful inputs, we strengthen photosynthesis, improve overall soil health, and rebuild organic matter.
  • icon of a cow grazing

    Integrate Forward-Thinking Livestock and Crop Management

    With rotational grazing, manure application ,and regular crop rotation, topsoil is rebuilt, soil fertility improves, and we get much healthier soil.
  • planet earth icon with arrows representing biodiversity

    Promotes Biodiversity

    Regenerative agriculture creates resilient crops and supports and conserves diverse habitats and ecosystems. Yes, please!

How Does Regenerative Agriculture Help the Planet?

  • ladybug icon representing biodiversity
    It protects and restores farm ecosystems, microbiomes and biological diversity.
  • plants growing in soil representing carbon capture
    It increases soil’s overall ability to capture carbon. 
  • drop of water icon representing water quality
    It improves water quality and retention, increases drought resiliency and bolsters plant survival.
  • cow head with heart shaped nose indicating support of animal welfare
    It promotes animal welfare. 
  • healthy apple representing nutritious and high quality products
    It produces nutritious, higher quality products. The better it’s raised, the better it tastes.
Cory Carman on ranch
Happy Carman Ranch cows


We Love Carman Ranch

We’re big fans of Carman Ranch and their network of nine small Pacific Northwest family ranches. They're leading the way in regenerative agriculture, and we're proud to call them long-term partners. Find out more about their commitment to sustainable farming.


Collaboration for Regeneration

We partnered with Zero Foodprint—a nonprofit working to fund the implementation of regenerative agricultural practices, like compost application, managed grazing, cover-cropping, and other healthy soil projects. Along with other like-minded businesses, we're teaming up with farmers and ranchers to build healthier soil, which grows more delicious, nutritious, and resilient crops while conserving water and reducing carbon.


"What’s amazing is that we can undo all the damage from decades of industrial farming with one decade of regenerative agriculture.”

-Anthony Myint, executive director, Zero Foodprint 

Let’s Do This Together

We partner with local suppliers identifying ways to remove barriers, sponsor projects and source more regenerative agriculture certified products. It’s how we build a more sustainable food economy.